Jenny and Dan

It’s been over a year since I’ve posted on this blog and realizing that made me sad 😦 There is so much I have been taking pictures of, I just haven’t stopped to take the time to post them up anywhere. Since my dear friend Jenny and her beau, Dan are getting married in a few weeks I figured why not feature them in a post? Jenny’s always been so supportive of me taking pictures and I took their engagement pictures in Central Park, where they got engaged. I’m also so honored to be in their wedding! 🙂 So here’s a couple pics of the beautiful couple!

And with that, congrats to Jenny and Dan! I can’t wait until this fun couple’s special day. (and note to self, POST MORE!)


I took some pictures at my friend’s engagement party this weekend and while editing them, decided to mess around with vignetting.  Seems to be “what’s hot in the streets” these days ha!  That and the “vintage effect”, but that will be for another day! This is what I did to this picture:

What I did was use photo shop and changed the color balances to give it a “cooler effect”.  Then I created the vignette using this tutorial  I used the rectangle selection tool to select the area I wanted to show, and right clicked and inverted the selection.  Then selected to feather, and chose 200 for a radius.  Then in the image adjustment, just used the different adjustments such as “exposure”, “brightness”, etc. to remove the color and image to what I wanted.  This was the resulting picture!

The final image

Congrats and thanks Shannon and Carmine!